Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gypsy Getaway - Summer Trends

In continuing with the travel trends of summer our yen for a summer getaway goes to the Bohemian side.

What once was the summer cottage now take wheels with the romance of a fairytale.

The Gypsy caravan inspires rich decor for romantic escape...

Pillows, drapes, beads, rich textiles, colored lanterns add to the decor of getaway of mobile luxury.

Add lots and lots of rich color. No pastels here.

Rich color statements like the  the flowers of summer cover these caravan getaways inside and out. They appeal to our lust for travel and romance, adding the touch of our fondness for fairy tales.

I believe there is a little gypsy in all of us.

For more reference and gypsy inspiration see the following links:




Thursday, August 18, 2011

Maps and Globes - Summer Trends

W E L C O M E   T O   O U R   N E W   B L O G

Summer is almost gone, but we still want to post some of our trend observations for this summer. And still being summer one of the biggest trends we have spotted is Maps and Globes which is showing up in all kinds of home decor and crafting.


Summer vacation speaks to our desire to travel and see the sites. Old maps and globes speak to our wanderlust and memories of trips gone by. 

 The travel bug has bitten and the explorer has awakened. 

Decor reflects our global awareness.

Folded maps from glove boxes and the bottoms of desk drawers are recycled into everyday decor and works of art.

The possibilities seem endless.

From Esty to ice cream...

this trends seems to appear everywhere.

 They Draw & Travel inspired and created by Nate Padavick and his sister Salli Swindell contains a huge collection of maps created and illustrated by artists from around the world is yet another reflection of our desire to travel.

To see more reference of this trend check my link: http://pinterest.com/vall/maps-and-globes/